Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Danger Zone (a.k.a. Ms Jackson, 'cos you're nasty)

When it comes to considering my son's needs, I'd like to think I'm on top of things. When he had thrush, we got him medicine ASAP. When I discovered that he had a tongue-tie, we went to get it clipped so he could feed better. When it was evident that his sensitive skin was a problem, I switched out his bath soap and got hydrocortisone cream so he didn't have a forehead like a gila monster any more.

Mmm...dry and scaly.
So, when it came to a virulent case of nappy rash the other month, I was determined to make sure I took care of my boy. When it lasted weeks, and everything I could think of seemed to be of no avail, I got help from the ladies at the weighing clinic. We went from changing him every 2 hours, to changing him every 2 hours and as soon as he'd pooped. I stopped using his usual wipes in favour of cotton balls in water, just to make sure I wasn't irritating his sensitive skin. To cap it all off, I made sure that each nappy change involved about 5 minutes of time where E could be - ahem - as free as the wind blows, just to give his tiny heiney some time to enjoy the fresh air.

I feel free!

Unfortunately, today, his love of this time turned sour. Usually, E enjoys playing with his feet once he's commando. This wouldn't tend to be a problem until you realise that when you bend a baby in half, it helps to expel the contents of their intestines. I'm used to a few rude bursts of gas while I'm leaving his hind quarters to air dry, but today things got taken a step further. After the first 3 minutes, the usual sounds began to rend the air with their nose-wrinkling rhythms. However, sound was accompanied by pyrotechnics today, as E decided to release a torrential landslide of warm, orangey-yellow butt mud all over his changing mat. Nearly 20 cotton balls later, most of the explosion was contained.

I mean, I'm ready for the sudden Trevi Fountain of pee that can sometimes make an appearance when he's in the middle of a change, but I've never had a surprise poo attack to deal with. I suppose it was only a matter of time. Ah, the adventures of babies.

Perhaps when he stops being so much of a handful I'll get back to a few fun projects I was hoping to do. What are these projects? you ask. Well...

  • a piece of art with paint chips
  • making/framing some custom art for the sad, blank wall in our bedroom
  • possibly painting the hallway
  • trying to beautify the bathroom mirror
  • getting/making some more art for E's room
In the meantime, there's a tiny person who needs my attention (and a nap if I have anything to say about it...)

not as fun as the real keyboard

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