Friday, January 20, 2012

Speaking Too Soon

Earlier in the week I praised E for sleeping a solid 8 hours in a row. I was ecstatic: my 12-week old son was sleeping through the night like an adult. But every high must have a corresponding low, and so yesterday E refused to take more than a 10-minute cat nap all day and fought his way to a 10pm bedtime, constantly re-awakening and ferociously attempting to scratch his face as best he could from within his mittens.

One bright spot before all the screaming and scratching of the evening began? The world's cutest bubble bath after I got back from the gym. (On a side note: throw yo hands up for the first 5 lbs. of baby weight lost, y'all! Holla!)

livin' large...

working on the smoldering male model look.

he seems pleased with his crown of bubbles

rocking a beard like Brigham Young.
Let's see if today we can't get back to sleeping like a champ. I'll even bribe him by taking him out to get whatever toy most strikes his fancy at the store. Baby Boy still has some Christmas money he can spend.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, B! Having the kid sleep through the night and losing the first 5lbs of baby weight are HUGE! E also looks to be filling out nicely now that he has his tongue untied. :) Love you!
