Monday, November 21, 2011

That Fabric Saved My Life

Praise the sweet Lord for my Moby Wrap...that's all I've got to say. Thursday and Friday I was stuck inside all day sitting on my butt watching movies. Lots to complain about, right? Well, when you're tethered to the bed with a baby and movies are the only form of entertainment as you come to a new, deep, and abiding sympathy for milk cows, sitting on your butt watching anything quickly becomes an activity you'd like to take a break from. Enter the Moby.

solidarity, Sistah!

Today, thanks to the Moby (and some judicious use of the magic calming powers of the car seat beforehand), I was able to get out of the house and take a nice walk round the neighbourhood. Because E is such a fan of being held against my chest, the Moby was perfect: I settled him in - long legs dangling out this time (he's not a fan of the newborn hug hold that requires legs tucked up frog-like inside the wrap) - and within the first 10 minutes of our walk, he was KO. So I tucked his little head into one of the pockets on the wrap and kept up my nice walk while E had a nice nap.Success!

Life saver!

Tomorrow, I think we'll test the soporific qualities of the car and drive back to the old neighbourhood to jog around the playing fields with the stroller. Who knows - perhaps I can even get the pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner done tomorrow if the car can work its magic to coax my baby into a deep enough slumber.

Let's make a date, gorgeous...

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