Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello, Cousin...We Meet Again.

Rachel and Henry made their way over to us today for some good old-fashioned hanging out. As always, it's great as a mom to have other adult company that doesn't have to wait until your husband gets home from work. As a baby, it's apparently pretty cool to spend some time in earnest contemplation of your cousin. And for me, personally, the following videos are a chance to think, "How did I not notice my baby was so tan?"

As we can see, Ethan is far less loquacious at this point than his cousin is. But they still had a whale of a time holding hands, bouncing up and down, and making determined grabs at one another's faces. I'm just waiting for the day when they can actually talk to each other, and not just talk at the room in general. It'll be like the "talking" twins on YouTube. And let's face it: what's not cute about babies thinking they can communicate with you? Bless them, they're so earnest about it. friends!

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